Ex-Muslims of North America

Members of this group were born or converted into the Islamic faith, but now renounce it. There are local chapters in more than a dozen Canadian and U.S. cites, plus affiliate organizations in several other countries. The website features numerous blogs, a media center, and a newsletter.

They aim to reduce discrimination faced by those who leave Islam, advocate for acceptance of religious dissent, and promote secular values.

EXMNA counter the isolation facing non-theist Ex-Muslims by fostering communities and support networks.

They strive to amplify diverse Ex-Muslim voices and experiences, and stand against those who seek to stifle criticism of Islam.

Ex-Muslims of North America is the first organization of its kind to establish communities exclusive to ex-muslims in order to foster a sense of camaraderie and offer a space free of judgement for lack of religiosity. EXMNA has established local chapters in 18 cities across the United States and Canada, with hundreds of ex-muslims taking part in local meetups.

As part of their mission to raise the voices and ideas of ex-muslims, they launched The Ex-Muslim – the world’s first and only online magazine and blogroll offering a nuanced insight on Islam from former Muslims.

EXMNA representatives speak at conferences across the United States and Canada as well as appear on various media outlets when the opportunity arises.

Troy Moss