
Northern Indiana Atheists is a nonprofit established to fight state/church violations on a local level and defend the rights of atheists and other marginalized communities across Northern Indiana.

Membership is open to atheists and our allies who share our vision for a government that represents all people equally and our passion for serving our community. Your membership and donations amplify our voice and make our impact even stronger.

Become a member today!

board of directors

Troy Moss | he/him/his | President
Angie Lapkiewicz | she/her/hers | Vice President
Jenny Loop-Miller | she/her/hers | Treasurer
Kelly Shane Pickell | he/him/his | Administrator
Ronaldo Lorrenzo Jorge VonSperling-Dovenski | he/him/his | Board Member
Chad B Cripe | he/him/his | Board Member
Barbara Barrett | she/her/hers | Board Member

Past board members

Cassie Walker-Sleman | she/her/hers
Noah Bush | he/him/his
Becky Castillo | she/her/hers

contact us

If you have questions or comments, please contact us! You can use the contact form on this website, email us at contact@northernindianaatheists.com, call our offices at 574.387.3731, or write to us at Northern Indiana Atheists, PO Box 1153, South Bend, IN 46624. We look forward to hearing from you!