29 New NIA Military Family Members Courtesy of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers

Throughout the month of November 2023, in celebration of Military Family Month, Northern Indiana Atheists (NIA) offered free one-year family memberships for all active duty and prior military members. These free memberships were courtesy of the Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers (MAAF), a national nonprofit building community for atheists and humanists in the military to celebrate atheists in foxholes, encouraging them to meet friends, build community, and find support. Jason Torpy, president of MAAF, said, “Supporting veterans requires the support of civilian community groups, and MAAF is looking for more great partners like NIA, just as VA hospitals and military unit chaplains should be looking for community groups to support their atheists in foxholes.”

The radio ad featured below ran for two weeks on 88.1 WVPE National Public Radio and was featured during Science Friday. At the end of the Military Family Month campaign, we had 29 new members. Our new Army members outnumber all our other military branches, with Air Force and Marines close behind. NIA membership is open to atheists and our allies who share our vision for a government that represents all people equally and our passion for serving our community. Our new military family memberships amplify our voice and make our impact even stronger.

Learn more about MAAF here: MilitaryAtheists.org.

Troy Moss